If you're an Accountant, Bookkeeper, CPA, full-time CFO and/or Enrolled Agent, and...
...would like to 'escape the accountants trap' of trading time for money, then you're in the right place.
The CFO Project is a done-with-you mentorship program made up of over 450 accountants, CPAs, bookkeepers and Enrolled Agents who all have one mission: to grow their practices (and careers) through offering outsourced CFO and business advisory services.
The CFO Project is a done-with-you mentorship program made up of over 450 accountants, CPAs, bookkeepers and Enrolled Agents who all have one mission: to grow their practices (and careers) through offering outsourced CFO and business advisory services.
You join The CFO Project and become a 'member'. Members have exclusive access to the following...
Join our exclusive 'done-with-you mentorship' program just for CPAs, accountants and bookkeepers to learn how to provide a scalable CFO Advisory service that actually gets results for your clients.
As part of this program, we'll show you how to add a CFO Advisory service so you can command higher fees, have recurring revenue, and a bigger impact on your clients' lives. In addition, we'll teach you a system on how to get clients and upsell existing clients.
Grow your business this year through CFO Advisory services.
In this free 1-hour Masterclass, you'll learn what your clients really want from a CFO Advisor, how to sell them on it and how you can provide a CFO Advisory service in the most efficient way possible.
This training is available for accountants, bookkeepers, CPAs and Enrolled Agents.
Go from just being a recorder of the past to helping business owners have a better future.
In this 1-hour Masterclass, you'll learn what a CFO/Advisor does, how to know if you're qualified, how to package and price your services, how to overcome impostor syndrome and how to deliver an advisory service in a way that gets results.
This training is available for bookkeepers.
Rely less on tax season and use your expertise to help business owners have a better future.
In this 1-hour Masterclass, you'll learn what a CFO Advisor does, how to know if you're qualified, how to package and price your services, how to overcome impostor syndrome and how to deliver an advisory service in a way that gets results.
This training is available for accountants and CPAs.
A podcast to help accountants, CPAs and bookkeepers escape what we call the accountant's trap - where the only way to get paid more is to work more hours or take on more low-value and high-demanding clients.
On each episode we'll discuss strategies and tips that financial professionals can use to grow a practice of their dreams so they can finally escape the accountant's trap.