What, exactly, is an Outsourced CFO?
What, exactly, is an Outsourced CFO?
As you’re debating if you should offer outsourced CFO services, you’re probably wondering “what, exactly, will I be doing?

This is certainly a valid question because there’s many different definitions of an ‘outsourced CFO’ floating around.

I’m going to explain our definition of an outsourced CFO and then, of course, you decide if this is something that you’d like to provide for your clients (and future potential clients).

What is an Outsourced CFO?
An outsourced CFO is someone that a business owner can trust to guide them towards having a growing and successful business.

It's really that simple. Everything else is just detail.

Now, here’s the thing: not many business owners even know what a CFO is (most think it’s the head accountant) nor do they think their business even needs one!

However, if you frame an outsourced CFO as “someone that a business owner can trust to guide them towards having a growing and successful business” …well, you'll now be speaking your prospects' language.

Every (literally) business owner that we’ve met wants someone like this for their business.

It’s all about how you define yourself and what you do.

If you define yourself as a better/faster/cheaper CFO, your message will fall flat. If you define yourself as a better/faster/cheaper accountant that offers advisory services, your pitch goes nowhere.

People don’t want a CFO per se, rather, they want what a CFO can provide for them.

So, if you define yourself as a trusted guide who can help business owners have a growing and successful business, well, you’ll have no problem attracting high-paying clients.

Why? Because, for most business owners, their business is not a hobby. It’s their full-time job that’s supposed to put food on the table.

It must work.

And, if someone that they can trust (like you) comes along and says you'll guide them towards having a growing and successful business they will certainly pay attention to what you have to say and will most likely sign on to whatever you’re offering.

Is this something that gets you excited? Would you like to be the person that can provide real help to the thousands of struggling business owners in your town (or across the country)?

If so, we can help you redefine yourself and your business. Sign up for our next free Masterclass where we'll show you, exactly, how to start a CFO service.

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